Intel Core Ultra 200S 系列處理器效能表現將會獲得改善


代號 Arrow Lake 的 Intel Core Ultra 200S 系列處理器表現不盡理想,讓許多人相當失望,更讓主機板廠相當痛苦,畢竟效能不佳絕對會影響整體銷售,間接影響公司業績表現。

Robert Hallock,Intel 資深副總兼消費性 AI 產品技術行銷總經理在與 Hot Hardware 的訪談中,承認 Intel Core Ultra 200S 發表是一場災難,並提到 Intel Core Ultra 200S 效能表現將會在後續更新獲得改善。

Arrow Lake launch was indeed disastrous, but that it was in large part due to launch day performance being below Intel’s own expectations and the result of test systems not being properly optimized. Hallock was quick to take the blame for the launch day missteps on Intel’s behalf, saying that “our wounds with Arrow Lake not hitting the performance we projected were self-inflicted.”

災難形成當然是有其原因所在,這主因當然是因為 Intel Core Ultra 200S 媒體評測的效能低於 Intel 預期,讓使用者無法感受到新平台所帶來的興奮感;當然,這並不是 Microsoft 或是其他合作夥伴的問題,而 Robert Hallock 認為最大問題是 Intel 自己與合作夥伴溝通上出現了一些問題所導致。

Robert Hallock 確認 Intel 內部正在與合作夥伴針對 Intel Core Ultra 200S 效能進行溝通與改善,但會有多少提升,他並未在訪問中提到。

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