烏克蘭戰爭:Aeroflot 被「世界最大機票預訂公司」終止分銷機票

Sabre 是世界上最大的機票預訂公司之一,他們宣布終止與俄羅斯航空公司 Aeroflot 的分銷協議。這將影響除了無法進入歐美空外,全球其他的行可能。

Sabre 被全球 55,000 多家旅行社使用,包括 400 多家航空公司、88,000 家酒店、24 個汽車租賃品牌和 13 條郵輪公司。他們表示正在 “立即採取措施” 將 Aeroflot 從其全球分銷系統中移除。

“Sabre一直在關注烏克蘭不斷變化的局勢。從一開始,我們的主要關注點就是受災地區團隊成員的安全,並儘我們所能支持急需的救援工作,” “我們正在反對這場軍事衝突。我們正在遵守並將繼續遵守對俄羅斯實施的製裁。此外,今天我們宣布 Sabre 已終止與 Aeroflot 的分銷協議,從我們的 GDS 中刪除其內容。”

“Sabre has been monitoring the evolving situation in Ukraine with increasing concern. From the beginning, our primary focus has been the safety of our team members in the impacted region, as well as doing our part to support the much-needed relief efforts,” “We are taking a stand against this military conflict. We are complying, and will continue to comply, with sanctions imposed against Russia. In addition, today we announced that Sabre has terminated its distribution agreement with Aeroflot, removing its content from our GDS.”
